Alignment of SCWW Dues with Calendar Year

Recycling is a good thing for aluminum cans and cardboard. I hope that applies to SCWW treasurers and membership chairmen too.

While I was off building my house, the SCWW board voted to align SCWW memberships with the calendar year (rather than expire on anniversary dates) and to increase the dues a tiny amount to $52.00 per year (or $1.00 per week), the first increase in many years. The primary reason is avoiding the confusion that arises with submission deadlines and conference registration. For example, if The Petigru Review submission period is March 1 through April 30, what happens if a membership expires April 1? Another benefit is that collection of dues early in the year makes it easier in February to budget activities for the rest of the year. It’s more work for the membership chairman (me) this year but should simplify things in the future.
How will SCWW accomplish this alignment?

Before your SCWW membership expires in 2012, the membership chairman will email you with the prorated amount (at $1.00 per week) that you owe for dues from your expiration date through the end of the year. For example, if your dues expire April 1, 2012, then you have already paid for a quarter of 2012. The bill for the other 39 weeks of calendar year 2012 will be $39.00. Then for 2013 everyone will know that dues are due at the beginning of the year ($52.00 on January 1, 2013). Because the website has only the single PayPal option of a full year, mailing a check will be the easiest for prorated dues. The address is
SCWW Membership
4840 Forest Dr., Suite 6B
PMB 189
Columbia, SC 29206

We encourage you to save a stamp and pay for a year (2013) and a fraction (2012) in a single check.

New members will pay the yearly rate ($52.00) when they join and will then be billed the prorated amount at their first renewal.
The conference registration fee for non-members will be $100.00 more than for members. For this extra fee (approximately twice the regular dues), non-members will have paid a membership for the remainder of the current year plus all of following year.

If the membership chairman ( didn’t explain this well, you can ask the treasurer ( clarification.

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