It's a New Day

I am pleased to inform you that we have a new webmaster that has brought our site current and will be working closely with the board all during the year to keep you abreast of conference activities and everything else that is of interest to our membership.

The award-winning firm is Net Studios, Inc. Their website is if you want to check out their work. And I’m just as happy to let you know their cost is less than we’ve paid in at least three years. Net Studios, Inc. is a good deal for us all the way around.

We learned from our conference exit survey that most conference goers found us through our website and other internet searches. Thus it is most important to have a webmaster that can accommodate our specific needs, especially during conference-planning season.

In addition, NSI is finding ways to heighten our cyber profile to bring us new members and increase the size of our conference and our financial viability…a must in these economic conditions. They’ve even put forth great suggestions, like making members’ works available for purchase with a link to Amazon from our website, while SCWW makes a few dollars on the transactions.

After we catch up on all the housekeeping duties that are a priority at, NSI will begin to make changes on the backside of our website. Streamlining the process required to make changes and add information so that eventually board members can handles these duties, eliminating the webmaster charges associated with these services.

Patience is a virtue, and your patience surely paid off. Thank you for bearing with the Board as we went through the processes of requesting quotes and bidding that resulted in finding the right webmaster for SCWW.

1 comment:

Kim said...

YAH! Can't wait to see and hear more on the website.

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